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Hoosier INFAME and Central Indiana INFAME Celebrate Signing Day

On May 18th, collaborating employers from Indianapolis, Elwood, and Anderson celebrated 13 elite high school seniors who will be sponsored through a dual-track, work-based-learning college program known as the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME) to celebrate their signing day.

Students work for a sponsoring company, and upon completion of the two-year program, will graduate with an associate’s degree from Vincennes University. Additionally, students will gain over 1,800 hours of paid work experience and training on professional behaviors and lean manufacturing principles.

Students and their parents got to meet with their sponsor company representatives, as well as representatives of Vincennes University, at the Vincennes University Aviation Technology Center in Indianapolis.

Companies represented on Tuesday include Major Tool & Machine, Red Gold, 3M, Aero Industries, Inc., Nestlé, FTIC , and Plastics Recycling,. These employers are part of the national FAME-USA network (, which currently has 31 partnerships across 13 states, supported by more than 400 employers.

Congratulations on this next step, students!

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INFAME (The Indiana Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education) is a company-sponsored partnership of regional employers who share the goal of creating a pipeline of highly skilled workers.

INFAME is a part of the national FAME network.

Click here to find out more 

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