To remain globally competitive,
manufacturers must
create a pipeline of
global best skilled workers.
Three common problems, have one common solution.
To remain globally competitive, manufacturers must find enough global best, highly skilled workers.
Technically minded individuals desire a well-paying, challenging and rewarding career that they can start TODAY.
Communities need a robust, thriving and growing business base with strong employment opportunities to ensure the well-being of their people.
The solution is INFAME
The Indiana Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (INFAME) is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement dualtrack, apprenticeship-style training that will create a pipeline of highly skilled workers. The primary method to achieve this goal is through partnerships with local educational institutions to offer the Advanced Manufacturing Technician Program (AMT).

How we got here.
The lack of a skilled workforce ready to meet the demand of existing job openings is a significant and complex issue.
The introduction of automation and new technologies that evolve quickly require new skills. Baby boomers are retiring from the workforce. Today's workers need employability skills like working with others, showing up on time, and effective communication. There is an ongoing perception that a student has to obtain a 4 year-degree after high school in order to be successful.
Indiana’s employer-driven
response to the skills gap.
The Indiana Manufacturers Association Board of Directors engaged Thomas P. Miller and Associates (TPMA) to conduct an Indiana work-based learning feasibility analysis. This project analyzed Swiss and German apprenticeship models for components to apply in an Indiana model, along with other proven practices and elements.
FAME is the best practice model, due to standardization, quality, and national recognition
Other programs such as Registered Apprenticeships and Co-Ops are other existing and replicable models but we needn’t re-invent the wheel. Earlier and more frequent career awareness/coaching is critical.
IMA Board of Directors identifies workforce availability as the greatest challenge for manufacturing growth in Indiana.
IMA supports Employer Driven Workforce Development System.
IMA creates Workforce Task Force to develop strategies to realign state workforce programming, higher education, and K-12 education with Indiana’s manufacturing employment needs.
IMA supports CTE funding realignment to support high-demand fields.
IMA supports Graduation Pathways to increase number of students in vocational and other work-based learning programs.
IMA commissions independent work-based learning study.
Governor Holcomb creates Next Level Jobs program.
IMA launches Indiana FAME.